Monica Dommel

Company: CureVacSE
Job title: Assoc Dir RA-CMC
Roundtable Discussion – Distinguish the Regulatory Expectations Regarding Post-Emergency Situations and the Impact on Quality Considering Different Therapeutic Indications 3:30 pm
In recent years, mRNA vaccines have helped control the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and mRNA-based therapies have shown remarkable promise in treating a wide range of diseases. This session offers a deep dive into the evolving regulatory landscape surrounding mRNA medicines and its consequential impact on quality control practices. We will look at the pre- versus post-COVID…Read more
day: Conference Day One
Exploring the Dynamic Nature of RNA Quality Control Considering Regulatory Strategies for Different Therapeutic Indications 3:00 pm
Discuss the evolving landscape of RNA QC and compliance and highlight the importance of staying with the current regulatory changes Providing a step-by-step roadmap for regulatory compliance in mRNA quality control Discussing strategies for identifying, documenting, and addressing deviationsRead more
day: Conference Day One
Distinguish the Regulatory Expectations Regarding Post-Emergency Situations & Impact on Quality Control for the Streamline of Your mRNA Therapeutics 9:31 am
In recent years, mRNA-based therapies have shown remarkable promise in treating a wide range of diseases, from cancer to genetic disorders. However, one of the key challenges in realizing the full potential of these therapies lies in efficient regulatory guidelines. This workshop offers a deep dive into the evolving regulatory landscape surrounding mRNA therapeutics and…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day